Thursday 30 July 2015

Up and down

Tonight, in the Night Garden, Mr and Mrs Pontipine lost track of their children again as they they all ran riot around teeny tiny holes and stones. When the reprobates finally came home the whole family went out for a walk. Low and behold, Mr and Mrs Pontipine lost their children again whilst the little Pontipines decided it was a great idea to climb to the very top of a tree, leap from branch to branch and topple down from a large height. Mr and Mrs Pontipine looked on and did what anyone would expect them to do. They walked home. Meanwhile, the Pontipine children arrived home down through the chimney! Quite how social services haven't become involved with this tiny wooden family is anyone's guess. 

Elsewhere the Tombliboos were running around in their bush, competing on who could get higher. When it was agreed that Tombliboos Ooo had gotten higher than Unn and Eee they peered out of he window to see that Makka Pakka was waiting below to rub his soapy sponge all over their faces. 

Monday 27 July 2015

Playing with ball.

In the Night Garden today Upsy Daisy was having great fun playing with the ball and her bed. She enjoyed bouncing the ball and waving it around. Meanwhile Iggle Piggle found Upsy Daisy's bed unattended and took the opportunity to sleep in Upsy Daisy's bed! 
On discovering Iggle Piggle in her bed, Upsy Daisy chased him around the bed before giving him a big kiss and getting into bed herself. Iggle Piggle skipped away to bounce the ball himself. Iggle Piggle is very good at bouncing the ball and holding the ball. Iggle Piggle loves playing with balls!
Iggle Piggle then bounced the ball next to Upsy Daisy's head, threw the ball at her and then waited for her to chase true ball. When the coast was clear he climbed back into Upsy Daisy's bed!

Balls and beds cause all sorts of problems in the Garden. 

Catch Makka Pakka's Og Pog

In yesterday's Night Garden Makka Pakka was busily polishing his stones when he lost his Og Pog. It went off down the hill chased by Makka Pakka, the Tombliboos, Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy and Mr and Mrs Pontipine. Only the Pontipine children had the common sense to put a stop to Makka Pakka's Og Pog with a big rock. Well done Pontipine children. 

Monday 6 July 2015

Makka Pakka and the lost blanket.

In the Night Garden today began with Makka Pakka polishing his trumpet and Uff Uff with his sponge. Meanwhile, during a walk in the garden, Iggle Piggle lost his blanket. He searched high and low but still could not find it! Luckily for Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy arrived to lend a hand. 
By the bridge they could hear Makka Pakka blowing his trumpet. It turns out that Makka Pakka was stopped from going about his business of sponging all the garden's inhabitants by a rogue blanket on the path in his ditch. A courageous lean forward later and Iggle Piggle was able to reach into Makka Pakka's ditch to reclaim his blanket. 

Saturday 4 July 2015

The disappearance of the Pontipine children

In the Night Garden today the Pontipines went off for a walk. Along a long branch and in and out of the teenie tiny hole. It was an exhausting walk!

 Passing by Upsy Daisy's bed, Mr and Mrs Pontipine turned to discover their children had gone missing! The searched high and low  before eventually finding all eight of them asleep in Upsy Daisy's bed. 

Just as they were about to wake their children, Upsy Daisy arrived. Much bouncing and bed squeaking later the Pontipine children were sprung into the air, over the garden and down their chimney. Thank goodness they were all ok. Mr and Mrs Pontipine were very worried!