Sunday 28 June 2015

Trousers and towers

In this evening's Night Garden the Tombliboos rode on the Pinky Ponk all the way home where they all took their trousers off. They then began to create giant erections with their bricks. 

All three Tombliboos made a Tombliboos tower of three bricks. Then Tombliboo Unn and Tombliboo Ee worked together to erect an even bigger tower! Unfortunately a very bouncy ball knocked their tower down!

Tombliboo Oo then joined the other two to help erect a larger, stronger tower including an arch. The bouncy ball then knocked the very clever arch down. It turned out that the bouncy ball just wanted the Tombliboos to play with it.  So they did. 

Friday 26 June 2015

Search for the Wottingers

In the Night Garden this evening the Pontipines tried to call the Wottingers. When there was no answer Mr Pontipine decided that the next logical step would be to send out a search party. 

After searching the teeny tiny hole, the log and the pots it was obvious what needed to be done. The Pontipines climbed onto the Ninky Nonk to broaden their search. Luckily the Wottingers were found in the teeny tiny hole, the log and the pot. The Pontipines managed to accomplish their overwhelming need to wave at the Wottingers and all was right with the denizens of the Night Garden. 

Thursday 25 June 2015

In the Night Garden 25/6/15

In tonight's Night Garden everybody went for a bouncy ride in the Ninky Nonk. Everybody that is except the Tombliboos who decided it would be more fun on the Pinky Ponk. 
Whilst Upsy Daisy, Iggle Piggle, Makka Pakka and the Pontypines had a very bouncy ride on the Ninky Nonk, the Tombliboos looked on from the Pinky Ponk. But after several major Ponks the Tombliboos decided to go on the Ninky Nonk after all. 

Monday 22 June 2015


In the Night Garden this evening the Tombliboos rode on the Ninky Nonk to a lovely part of the garden where they all did the round and round dance. Another quick and bouncy ride on the Ninky Nonk later, the Tombliboos arrived at the Little Round Bush. 

After a few circuits around the Little Round Bush they got back on the Ninky Nonk for yet another bouncy ride. They got off when they spotted the ball and chased it. Unfortunately they were unable to get hold of it and then they missed their Ninky Nonk ride! They chased the Ninky Nonk until it took them all back to the Tombliboo Bush where they also found the Ball! Lucky Tombliboos!